ShaKe Elite, or Dylan, is an 18 year old guitarist that lives in Goshen Indiana, trying to balance college full time, and a part time job at Subway. He does video game guitar covers on youtube and is trying his best to improve and become the best he can. When he was younger he had always dreamed of doing something with music. "When I was 7, my brother had borrowed a brand new game that had just came out for the Playstation 2, Guitar Hero. As I was amazed that you could play a fake guitar at such ease and be able to have the satisfaction of playing a real guitar, I had to try it. I can still remember the first time I played it. I picked up the guitar controller and started the first song, and failed immediately. But this didn't stop me from wanting to improve on it. I played every day and got better and by the time I was 8, I was playing on expert. I have owned every guitar hero game that has been released. Fast forward to when I was around 12 or 13, I started listening to a lot of Metal and had started to look at music a new way, as a performer. So I got my first guitar for my 14th birthday, the Fender Starcaster."

Dylan has had a lot of inspiration over the years, but only so many that would really impact his life. Starting with his love for video game music when he was young, to the very people he talks to every day. Here is his story of how he started his YouTube career. "When I was 14 I got my first guitar. I was very happy once I got it but shortly realized that learning guitar isn't easy. I quit 3 times before I finally decided to really sit down and hammer it out. The first few times I tried learning with instructional DVD's and youtube videos and tabs. None of them worked, but then one day I saw someone post a video of a video game called Rocksmith. It was absolutely perfect for me because I was able to combine my original love for Guitar Hero with real guitar! So I bought it and started off slow. It was finally the tool I needed to take that step to success in guitar playing. One day I was messing around with one of the amps in rocksmith, when remembering I was playing Perfect Dark earlier that day. So I decided to play one of the songs 'Chicago Stealth.' I was having a lot of fun and then it suddenly occurred to me, what if someone else does this and puts it on youtube?? So I got on my computer and searched 'Perfect Dark Guitar,' and sure enough, the first thing that pops up is 'Perfect Dark Guitar Medley' by FamilyJules7x. As I listened to it I was absolutely blown away by that fact that this 1 man was able to make quality recordings in his bedroom. I immediately went to his channel and found more, and more people to discover. So I decided that that is what I want to do, play video game songs on guitar. So I bought the equipment needed and started my channel."

"A year down the road SwigglesRP uploads his best challenge video called 'Level Up,' a challenge to make the best cover you can and improve the best you can. So I decided to enter, winning a spot for 3rd place! Level up was one of the best things that happened to me because it allowed me to meet some of my best friends that I would have a hard time picturing my life without."